Engeline's Obit

Engeline Christine Petersen Nielsen was my 3rd great-grandmother.  I know very little about her and nothing at all about her parents.  But, her obituary was a wonderful discovery because it gave me the names of two of her sisters who I have since been able to find in many records.  I'm hopeful that I'll be able to learn the names of her parents someday, if not through her, then through one of her sisters.

"NIELSEN -- In Alameda, February 28, Engeline C. Nielsen, beloved wife of Niels C. Nielsen, loving mother of Carolyn J. Muller, Lillian M. Petersen, the late Katherine Healey, grandmother of Mrs. Gladys Shinn and Dorothy B. Muller, and sister of Mrs. C. Clausen and Mrs. C. Strauss; a native of Germany, aged 76 years.
    Services will be conducted Tuesday, March 1, 1932, at 3 o'clock p. m. from the residence chapel of Fowler-Anderson, funeral directors, 2211 Santa Clara avenue, Alameda."

From the Oakland Tribune (Oakland, CA), 29 February 1932, page C29.


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