Week Wrap Up: Really Just a Bunch of Odds and Ends...

Recently found some sites of interest, first up is the Mid-Atlantic Archives. Site offers a lot of valuable information including research forms and a wealth of information on Burlington co., New Jersey (among many other places). Next is this blog of a fellow Northern California genealogist. On the right side of the blog you'll see links to many valuable California resoucres.

I haven't seen or heard about anyone else out there doing this but I've started clipping pictures of people from old newspapers and adding them to DeadFred. I mean, sure, they aren't pictures in the conventional sense, but they are still PICTURES and DeadFred hasn't given me a hard time about it (yet) plus I try and clean up the pictures as best I can before I upload them. Oh well, it seemed like and good idea at the time and actually still does so I'll keep doing it.

Back to the Civil War (and you probably thought I forgot! Well, your're right, I did.): I'm debating about whether or not to pay NARA for the pension file on my John Berger (my only direct ancestor to serve in the war). It would cost $75 but the possible return could be wonderful (for one thing it might confirm John's parentage and for another it will definitely shed light on more details of John's life). I'm such a skin-flint which doesn't really bode well with an obsession for genealogy... The NARA site actually offers a lot, so it is definitely worth checking out (though their ordering options are a little confusing and I wish they had WWI records available).


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