November To-Dos

First off, let me preface this by asking that whoever has been regularly Googling my grandfather's name contact me.  Seriously, every time I check my stats I see that you(s?) landed on this blog again and again by searching for him.  This has been going on for a long while and it is starting to get a little creepy.  I really hope that you aren't just ripping off everything I've posted on the family but given the fact that you have never tried to contact me, that is the conclusion I'm left with.  So, please contact me and prove me wrong.  Thanks. 

(This applies to everyone else who has landed on this blog by Googling a recent shared ancestor and not contacted me - and I know there have been a lot of you.  It is a huge pet peeve and really not cool so knock it off.)

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

Well October was a bust!  I started off great but after the Expo ended the real world caught up with me and genealogy research went on the back burner for the most part.  Since October was such a lackluster month, I'm just rolling over those goals into November. 

One thing I did do was get the copies of the DAR applications I had on my October to-dos.  All I can say is wowee!  I wasn't too excited about getting them because they are so old and from long before the DAR adopted the strict documentation standards they have now.  To my surprise these two older applications turned out to be very well sourced, even better sourced than the previous copy I got from a 1986 application.

Speaking of ordering copies of previous verified applications to the DAR, did you know you can now locate, buy and read them in a matter or minutes?  I have to give major kudos to the DAR for making this possible as I know it must have been no small feat digitizing the applications and making this whole thing possible.  Check it out if you haven't already.

I'd also like to get back to work on the Berger book I am writing for my grandmother.  I'd like to give it to her at Christmas but am so far behind, I worry I'll be able to meet that goal.  I plan on offering a free electronic version to any relatives interested but will give my grandmother a hard copy and would like to make that an option for everyone.  Does anyone out there have any knowledge/experience when it comes to self publishing?  I've used Blurb and like it a lot but I'd like to know more about the other options (like Lulu) before I commit.


  1. Leah, I understand your frustration about the google searches. I've one too, and I think they just don't know how to follow you, like adding your link to their favorites. Once they figured the name would work, that is how they follow you. Do you think this is the case?
    Good plug for the DAR as well, they have come out of the dark ages.

  2. Heh, heh...I may have to "rip off" your first two paragraphs and use them on my blog! I have a feeling any of us out there who check our stats feel the same way.

    I have a program installed "Tynt" that tells me how many times items from my blog are copied and pasted elsewhere (which automatically creates a link back to my page but which can be removed from the pasted end product if the person doesn't want it there.) and I am shocked every month when I get the report as it usually tells me information has been copied around 50 times a month.

    I just keep telling myself that I put this information out there knowing this is going to happen more often than not and I tell myself all the time to get over it. But it's hard! I've worked very hard on my genealogy for over 15 years and if some lazy psuedo genealogist wants to copy and paste my work and pretend they are something they aren't, well....whatever!

  3. I have tried the "sweet" lure to get the searchers to contact me; now I may have to use your approach. And I'll have to check out that "Tynt" program Lisa mentioned.

  4. I share your frustration about not being contacted. I hope you make a positive connection soon.


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