One Lovely Blog Award

Much to my surprise, I got an award!  And to my further surprise, I've gotten it several times over! I have been remiss in not recognizing the nice people who gave it to me earlier: first is *GeorgiaTim of My Georgia Roots, Frances of Fantastic Electrisoil, Tammy of Genealogy Simple and Fun, Deb Ruth of Adventures in Genealogy and Lenore of The Empire Called and I Answered.  I'm a fan of all these excellent blogs and have them all in my GoogleReader.  I highly encourage visiting their blogs and following them or adding them to your reader if you haven't already.  Many thank yous to all of them!

I know the rules say to pass the award on, but it looks like most people already have it. If you are a genealogy blogger who hasn't gotten it yet, then consider yourself awarded.


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